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This is a round solitaire cut single unmounted diamond with a deep, rich, hue of dark blue laying on its side showing the multi faceted angles of light projected in its extended silloette
Blackboard Transparent
Blue Smoke

Meet The B.D.R. Team

A vibrant woman with shoulder length, silky, white hair that folds into the outline of her face, is wearing a red open jacket, over a  black V-neck shirt, and is slightly tilting her head to the left as her green eyes peer through the almost invisible framed glasses, as she beams a bright friendly smile at you

Lillie Humphries

Lillie is the founding Broker of

Blue Diamond Realty.  She has over 30 years of experience and embodies a wealth of knowledge in real estate, business management, investment property management, rental practices, construction, renovation/ rehab, marketing, property inspections and investment brokerage.


With her sense of practicality, ability to over come obstacles, keen eye for detail and straight forward approach she easily gains her clients trust, respect and friendship. 


Lillie specializes in income producing properties, property management, single family residential, multifamily properties, commercial properties, renovation/ rehabs, investment properties, tenant procurement, residential building lots, new construction and special use properties





A Large Round Solitaire Cut loose Diamond reveals its rich deep blue hue as it  tilts on the pointed axis slightly to the right, while its multi faceted design reflects and refracts light exposing both darker and more vibrant blue tones

Blue Diamond Realty

Blue Diamond Realty was created by our Family with the vision of helping others, to not only navigate the world of Real Estate but to assist them in reaching their desired goals.


You may be curious to know why a blue diamond was chosen for our name and logo...It is Quite simple really...

Blue Diamonds 

Are unique...Like every property and person

Have transparency...Just like our business,

Are an asset...Just as we are to our clients,

Have vibrant rich color...Like our personalities,

But most of all they are Rare...Just like the level of skill and service we provide clients.


We have over 30 years of experience, possess a wealth of knowledge and we are dedicated to exceeding our client's expectations.




Long, silky, dark brunette hair with muted auburn tones, pleasingly contrasts a womans soft complexion, framing and flowing past the high cheek bone structure of her heart shaped face. Her vibrant green eyes sparkle with personality and attention as her luminous friendly smile conveys geniality.

Tina Lawson

Tina brings over 20 years of experience in business management, real estate, new construction, land development, project management, investment brokerage,

marketing, analytical methodologies and research practices.


With her type A personality, positive approach, attention to detail, 

and ability to think outside of the box she

not only builds a lasting rapport with

her clients but is also a force in getting

things done the right way.


Tina specializes with assisting investors, individuals and families with single family residential, multifamily properties, investment properties, income producing properties,

new construction, residential building lots, renovation/ rehabs, unimproved/ improved land parcels, large/ small tract land development, commercial properties, special use properties, and property management.  

The "R" surrounded by a dark blue background is the registered symbol used to represent the National Association of Realtors and its members who adhere to a strict guide of ethics in their profession.
A black outlined home with two black horizontal rectangles centered in the structure represents the symbol used to identify Equal Housing Opportunity and those who rally to support it.
a royal blue roof line with a rectangle chimney extending off the right angle and a dormer with a window extends off the left represents the Johnston County Assosciation of Realtors
a Carolina Blue Square containing the letters N C on top of a Wolfpack Red Rectangle containing the word REALTORS symbolizes the North Carolina Realtors Association and its members.
a thin light  blue line for a skyline separated by a slightly thicker green line silloette of staggering high rise buildings set behind a primary blue, simple, outline of a much smaller roof with extending side walls to represent a single family home is the symbol used to signify the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS and its membership
the capital letter R appears stenciled white on a red background with the word REALTOR in all capital letters appears below it in red
two Royal Blue lines extend at an angle and connect in a wide upside down "V" with a blue rectangle extending from the left angle, a solid blue single star hovers under the pitch with three thicker Red slightly wavy lines extending from under the star past the left angled blue line. The words Realtor Party begins before the right angle and enters under the pitch just to the right of the blue star. This is the symbol used to signify the Realtor Party and its members who lobby on behalf of all homeowners and their property rights under the law.
the top crest of a circle in blue hovers above 4 solid orange homes with the words NC Homeowners Alliance to the left represents the NC homeowners alliance's symbol, who not only lobby to the general assembly to keep home insurance rates low but they also strive to achieve their mission of making homeownership available, affordable and am option for everyone
a royal blue roof pitch with a red chimney over the right side with the words NC in a blue square, Association in a white rectangle, and Of Realtors in a red rectangle is another symbol for the NC association of Realtors.
Two primary blue stick figures with there inside legs extended and overlapped as they lean away from each other with stick arms raised and extended in opposite directions. The words Realtor Partners in Red and  NC Realtors appears in Blue represents business' that support NC Realtors efforts and in turn NC Realtors support the business' by doing business with them
a teal green triangle facing right on its side, a purple triangle facing slightly to the left on its side, and a orange triangle pointed to the left and down on its side form a triangle from their bases with the words Triangle MLS and Multiple Listing Services in blue to the left. This is the logo for our areas TMLS the listing platform most Realtors use to advertise and provide info about available properties to other agents and the public through syndication sites.
Our Logo is A Blue Diamond partially encircled by a horizontal oblong, thin lined, blue circle.
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